Why We Love Mid Day Meal Scheme (And You Should, Too!)

 PM Poshan Mid Day Meal Scheme story overview. Why We Love Mid Day Meal Scheme (And You Should, Too!) 

Why We Love Mid Day Meal Scheme (And You Should, Too!)

What is mid day meal scheme

The popular Mid-day Meal Scheme is a school meal program in India designed to make better the nutritional standing of school-age children nationwide, and it is free for students.

What do you mean by midday meal scheme and do you like it?

MDM is a free program runs by government. 

What is the midday meal program and its unique benefits for students?

How library period useful for students?

MDM: Ambitious scheme for students welfare

The midday meal scheme (MDMS) is a ambitious school meal providing program of the Government of India. This ambitious program's aim is to improve the nutritional status of school going children all over the country and improve literacy level of the country.

Is mid day meal a success and what are the important achievements of it?

The significant aspect of MDM ( madhyanh Bhojan Yojna ) is Increased Enrollment and Attendance: The meal scheme is generally a successful one as it has led to “increased enrollment in schools, increased attendance in schools, improved performance of students in class and academic progress.

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How many days are mid day meal served?

How many days Mid-Day Meal is served? A mid-Day Meal is served on all working days in the school during the session. 

What is Akshaya Patra scheme in India?

Akshay Patra NGO is recognized as the world's largest NGO-run school meal programme.

Do you know The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India and its headquartered is situated in Bengaluru (Karnataka). Today, Akshaya Patra is the world's largest (not-for-profit run) Mid-Day Meal Program serving wholesome food every school day to over 1.8 million children from 19,039 schools across 12 states & 2 Union territories of India, and it is a proud of Akshay patra.

Madhyanh Bhojan ki kahani: Shuruaat se ab tak

आज़ादी के पूर्व मध्याह्न भोजन योजना ( mid day meal scheme ) 1930 से फ्रांसीसी प्रशासन के तहत केंद्र शासित प्रदेश पुडुचेरी में लागू की जा रही है। स्वतंत्रता के बाद के भारत में, मध्याह्न भोजन योजना (mdmyonja)पहली बार तमिलनाडु राज्य में शुरू की गई थी, जिसका नेतृत्व पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री के कामराज ने किया था। यह 60 के दशक की शुरुआत की बात है। 2002 तक, इस योजना को भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के आदेश के तहत सभी राज्यों में उत्साहपूर्वक लागू किया गया था।

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एमडीएम योजना की नोडल एजेंसी कौन सी है?

सितंबर 2021 में MoE (शिक्षा मंत्रालय) द्वारा योजना का नाम बदलकर PM-POSHAN (प्रधान मंत्री पोषण शक्ति निर्माण) योजना कर दिया गया है। Ministry of Education इस योजना के लिए नोडल मंत्रालय है। केंद्र सरकार ने यह भी घोषणा की कि सरकारी और सरकारी सहायता प्राप्त स्कूलों में पूर्व-प्राथमिक शिक्षा प्राप्त करने वाले अतिरिक्त 24 लाख छात्रों को भी शामिल किया जाएगा।

मध्य प्रदेश के प्राइमरी स्कूलों में मिड डे मील की शुरुआत कैसे हुई

जहां तक मुझे याद है यह योजना अपने वर्तमान स्वरूप में सन 2003 के बाद से अधिक लोकप्रिय हुई है। सर्वप्रथम मध्य प्रदेश में उस समय की मुख्यमंत्री सुश्री उमा भारती जी ने इस योजना को व्यापक स्तर पर शुरू करने का स्वप्न देखा था।

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यह उस समय मध्य प्रदेश की तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री सुश्री उमा भारती जी के प्रयास से प्रारंभ हुई थी।

प्राइमरी स्कूलों में एमडीएम योजना ( Mid Day Meal Scheme ) सर्वप्रथम शुरू करने का श्रेय उमा भारती जी को दिया जाता है।

Initially, wheat was given in the form of dry ration to the children in primary schools. This work was done under the supervision of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the in-charge of the school. After some time, instead of dry food grains, porridge was given to the children as a tasty and nutritious food.

Progressive changes and improvements in Mid Day Meal

The story of Mid Day Meal is very interesting. It has been improved many times since its inception and is still happening.

There are many interesting facts about mid day meal scheme.

When the children started being given porridge, it was realized that the mid-day meal could be made better and more beneficial. Why not include vegetables, roti, kheer puri and dal rice in it. This idea proved to be a big step for Mid Day Meal and the discussion of Mid Day Meal started at the national level.

Vegetable roti and dal rice have now been included in the mid-day meal. Due to this, the interest of the children became more towards it than ever before.

Role of Parents Teachers Association and school Headmaster (H.M.) in mid-day meal scheme

Now the school headmaster had to work to arrange a cook for this. At that time, Parent Teacher Association was formed in all middle and primary schools. For this, with the help of PTA i.e., Parents Teachers Association, a cook was arranged in every primary school. For this, funds were available under the mid-day meal scheme. Out of the MDM amount allocated for the children, arrangements were made for the payment of cook i.e., the cook.

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